Sunday, November 05, 2006

Highland Rocks!

It's been far too long
since I've felt
my good'ol friend

Barry, George and I got our adrenaline fix this weekend.

George worked out a few demons that had been haunting him.
Here's G-man riding in for a closer look at a gap transition.
Then cleaning it.

Highland Mountain Park was damn good time. Trails for many ability levels but don't go expecting beginner trails. Rugged as hell. The runs are fast and flowing with lots of banked curves that lead into hits and hucks that will send you for ridiculous air time.

Big respect for the half dozen or so guys we saw (while riding the chair to the top) casually riding the jump trail...the one trail WE didn't attempt. Full of dirt table jumps, step ups and sizable gaps and (photo above^) a wooden roller coaster at the bottom.

Barry's got a few more shots and a movie or two (that I hope he shares) depicting what gravity can do when casing a jump...

All for 35 bucks and an hour ride.
Every day should be this fun.


jeff said...

maybe i need a big bike. nah! where's that BARRY RUGO! video?

Andy, R&D said...

He's not giving it up!

Seems the shot to the soulder wasn't the worst part about the crash...the worst part was it's on video!

Better watch out or some crash footage of me eating dirt will surely surface. There's certainly enough of it.